23 Dec 2010

Writing HTML Title Tags For Humans, Google & Bing

Back to SEO basics once again with this great article from Search Engine Land...today, all you need to know about title tags. As many people still seem to be confused by this core element of any SEO strategy, it is great to see a list of do's and dont's when writing title tags.

Think users AND search engines
Once thing to always remember is that while meta tags are great to improve your search engine rankings, they should also be useful for your website visitors. After all, visitors bring revenue, and without revenue there is no business.

Keep it simple
Although the temptation to over optimise your title tags is great, keep them simple, to the point and relevant to the page. Keyword stuffing doesn't work and will only confuse your visitors (and damage your rankings)

Keep it unique
Each page title should be unique and contain the same keywords as the page content itself. Keep things consistent, coherent and it'll all be fine

Stability is key
Meta tags including title tags do not need to be changed often, and frequent changes will potentially confuse search engine spiders. As long as you get your keyword research right there shouldn't be any need for you to revise your tags for a while. Of course you can tweak and refine as you go along, but refrain from updating your tags every month.

Feel free to share you title tags stories as I'm sure your experience will help others and until next time, have a great xmas!

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