8 Apr 2011

Marketing love...How to make your agency relationship last

Nice article about the don'ts when managing agencies in a digital role. Mistakes I’ve made managing agency relationships | Econsultancy

Here are a few tips to help to help you make the right choice:

1 - Be honest
I've managed quite a few of these relationships in the past, whether it was for seo, ppc, display advertising or other online services, and what I'd say is that it always pays to be honest but firm.

2 - Check for references
Always check for references as you don't want to enter into a yearly agreement only to realise a few months down the line that you've made the wrong choice.

3 - Have clear objectives
Whoever you decide to work with, make sure to have clear objectives before the work starts so that you can inject some direction to the project.

4 - Keep tracking
No matter how much you trust your agency, make sure to keep tracking progress and get regular updates on work.

5 - If you're not happy, say it
This links to honesty, but if at any point in the relationship you feel there is a problem, just raise it! The last thing you need is to waste your precious resources on something that doesn't work.

These are just some basic pointers, but they should hopefully help you make the right choice.
Did you have problems with an agency? do you have other essential advice? share your views

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