28 Oct 2011

The definitive black hat SEO infographic for Halloween

A very entertaining infographic about black hat SEO from seo.com.
This ties in very well with the announcement by Google earlier this week that SEO is not spam. Well in this case, it is!

So if you want to know what not to do when optimising a site, read on;

25 Oct 2011

Good to know we're not wasting time with SEO

Interesting story from Google yesterday when Matt Cutts confirmed that Google doesn't see SEO as spam - (Google Says SEO Is Not Spam).
I for one am happy to see that I haven't been wasting the last 8 years of my life working on something spammy! It also reassures me to know that I can safely start my freelance SEO/online marketing business with hope.
But this statement by Google obviously doesn't solve the white hat / grey hat / black hat SEO debate. The lines between what's acceptable by Google and what isn't are sometimes still blurry, so if you're ever in doubt about the optimisation you're doing, it's best not to do it. Good ethical SEO runs on respecting the basic rules while learning how to adapt your work to search engine algorithm changes.