2 Jun 2012

So long Website Optimizer....

....and welcome Content Experiments!
I received an email from Google yesterday confirming that as of August 1st, 2012, Google Website Optimizer will disappear and be replaced by new functionality in Google Analytics - Content experiments.

If you're into Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) and website testing (and if you're not you should be), then this is great news. Google's recent will to provide a better integration between all of its free tools now gives you the ability to manage your content tests/experiments directly from your GA interface.

As you can see from the screenshot below, the new service can already be found under the Content > Experiments menu in your standard GA interface:

So now you have no more excuses not to run tests to improve your website's performance, whether it is a simple A/B test or a more comprehensive Multi variate test (MVT). Read more on A/B testing >

1 comment:

increase conversion rates said...

Thank you for writing this interesting article. Google cares more about the quality of your content than ever before, so creating unique and compelling content is number 1. Once you have copy for your customers, you can then optimize the page for the search engines.